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Re: Stall Warning

Subject: Re: Stall Warning
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 14:22:31
In a message dated 26/06/97  00:27:21, you write:

<< with a Microencoder and you get stall warning >>

Well, only to the extent that if you know the speed at the stall you can dial
it in - I have been trying to establish that in the landing configuration for
a week - spose I'll have climb to a great height and do all that tufty stuff.

When I was in the business, we (Ferranti) made a _real_ stall warning device
 for the military which examined the airstream over the wing - cost no object
of course -you could have bought a complete Europa for the price- but in
these days of cheap microcomputing it is another of those things that maybe
needs someone enterprising outfit (RMI ?) to look at again.  

Graham C.


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