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Re: Europa-List: engine failure due to filters

Subject: Re: Europa-List: engine failure due to filters
From: Peter Rees <>
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 22:11:43

Nigel - Thanks for your words on engine failures - in the early days of us 
flying it G-MFHI suffered a partial engine failure - the trouble was 
isolated to the filter being clogged with fibers. I presume that these were 
latent from when the AC was built - I guess at the time of the failure, the 
filters were the original ones and the logbook had about 30 hours or so (we 
didn't build the AC so can't say for sure but the logbooks show no record of 
them being changed).

Some 150 hours later, we're still forced to change the filters very 
regularly (we clean them about ever 5 flight hours!) - we're getting small 
brown particles coming though and being trapped by the filters. We're at 
something of a loss as to what these particles are - we've changed all of 
the fuel pipes from the filters backwards. The only hose that hasn't been 
touched since new is the filler hose.

Have you heard any instances of this hose breaking down and edpositing bits 
into the fuel? Do you think that as a matter of course, given that this hose 
is some 10 years old now, replace it. If so, any suggestions of the best 
solution - Europa are unable to supply one and have no interest in doing so.

Any comments / suggestions would be most welcome.


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