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Europa-List: Engine Heater for Rotax 912?

Subject: Europa-List: Engine Heater for Rotax 912?
From: Martin Tuck <>
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2018 20:47:39

It's getting towards that time of the year again when temperatures dip 
and the oil viscosity thickens, making starting troublesome sometimes, 
cranking that magic 220 rpm or so.

I'm thinking of installing an engine heater and there are a few out 
there on the market. The Tanis one is reviewed on the 
site but at over $700 is definitely cream of the crop.

A more affordable option is either the Reiff between $250 and $550 
depending on wattage or the E-Z Heat at $150.

Anyone installed the E-Z Heat one? Any good? Or maybe the Reiff which 
seems to work in a similar way?

With the advent of internet personal hotspots and wireless 
smartswitches, I can see myself turning on the engine heater using my 
cell phone maybe 6 hours before flying to save a trip to the hangar.


Martin Tuck

Europa N152MT

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