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Re: Europa-List: Re: DOOR detached during flight

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: DOOR detached during flight
From: Kingsley Hurst <>
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2014 19:02:55

Sorry but my previous email went prematurely for some unknown reason. 

I shall try again .........

The little auxiliary latches you refer to on Mal's plane do not guarantee th
e proper engagement of the rear shoot bolts.  I have had several instances w
here the rear shoot bolt has not engaged properly but so far it has been qui
te obvious at the time.   I find the doors are somewhat temperamental to tem
perature and how long they have been left open.  Most of the time they shut q
uite easily but sometimes they are the pits to shut from the inside and the l
ittle latches have no affect in respect of either. 

Cheers mate


Sent from my iPad

> On 4 Jul 2014, at 7:24 am, GRAHAM SINGLETON <
m> wrote:
> Yes. Mal McLure, years ago. 
> Kingsley, do you have details of it?
> Graham

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