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Re: Europa-List: Battery Condition Indicator

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Battery Condition Indicator
From: Tim Ward <>
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 13:34:34

Sounds like a good idea. Might do it myself.
 I had a rectifier fail in flight and to be able to check my battery charge I 
to use the electronic EFIS which went dead on me due to no power. So a separate
independent system like the charge indicator would be perfect. Either that
or an amp meter.
No need to take the green LED out. Reassurance that all is OK.
Where did you get the Charger? Auto shops?
787-900 Dreamliner Course in April. First Line Captain, so it will be the blind
leading the blind!
You still on the 747-400?



Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street
Christchurch,  8052
New Zealand.

Ph 64 3 3515166
Mob 0210640221

> On 16/02/2014, at 12:28 pm, Tony Renshaw <> wrote:
> Gidday,
> My battery charger, a CTEK XS800 trickle charger, has a wide range of 
> accessories,
including a panel mounted display that simply flashes either a Green, Orange,
or Red LED, at a frequency of about 1 flash every 1-2 seconds. I am thinking
I might put it on the panel immediately in front of me, and in a way it will
be a warning indicator. If I can pull it apart I might be able to tamper with
it and remove the Green LED, that way it can be a straight warning light.
Here is the link for what might be a simple addition to an uncomplicated panel,
for someone who has to actively monitor battery condition, but who forgets.

> It comes in a 1.5 m and 3.3 m length, which sounds perfect depending on where
you put or have placed your battery. 
> Tony Renshaw
> Sydney Aussie. 

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