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RE: Europa-List: Alternative fuel tank mounting?

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Alternative fuel tank mounting?
From: Karl Heindl <>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2013 06:42:53
Hi Andrew=2C
I think you are going out on a limb with this idea. A full tank is a very h
eavy load and the fuselage floor is not designed to take this=2C or the des
igners would have placed it on the floor.The load should be taken up entire
ly by the cockpit module.

> From:
> Date: Fri=2C 6 Dec 2013 01:01:29 -0500
> Subject: Europa-List: Alternative fuel tank mounting?
> To:
> I am hoping someone can comment on an alternative tank mounting
> strategy. A picture of what I am thinking is attached.
> To avoid any potential stresses developing due to tank expansion=2C I am
> thinking of horizontally bracing  the fuel tank against the baggage
> bay wall using two fiberglass straps all the way around the tank - one
> strap below the tank ledge and the other just above the outlet bosses.
> These straps are for simply maintaining the fore/aft and lateral
> position of the tank. Vertically=2C the tank will simply sit on the
> fuselage floor. The tank bottom is nearly flush with the baggage bay
> floor=2C so it should sit nice and even on the fuselage. With this
> setup=2C I have satisfactory clearance between the spars=2C pitch tube an
> the tank outlets. I plan to add a thin neoprene pad around the tank
> bottom to make sure there are no hard points of contact between the
> tank and the fuselage. The neoprene is oil resistant=2C non-absorbent
> and has fire resistance.
> Since this is such an irreversible step=2C I want to make sure I am
> thinking this through correctly. Probably the larger questions are=2C
> will the fuselage floor be able to take the entire tank load? Is there
> any issue with letting the top portion of the tank (the ledge)
> floating with no vertical support?

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