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RE: Europa-List: One wing Low

Subject: RE: Europa-List: One wing Low
From: Ivan Shaw <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 19:06:49

Do make sure that the ball is centred with rudder trim prior to addressing roll


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David Joyce
Sent: 05 December 2013 19:03
Subject: Re: Europa-List: One wing Low

--> <>

If your systems allow it I would be tempted to fly it solo from the R seat. If
you then find that it flies R wing down you have the answer. Thebplanebis so 
that I find that if I am flying in perfectly still air above the thermal
layer I can fly the plane by weight shift, stretching a leg or leaning a bit
to one side to go down or turn.
      If however it is still L down then I would do some accurate measures of 
wing rigging angles, as it may well be that your R wing is rigged a fraction
of a degree up from the L. Changing the rigging is not a practical proposition,
so I suspect you would be in the situation of having to do a sizeable addition
of a trim strip on your R aileron.
     Regards, David Joyce, G- XSDJ

  Frans Veldman <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 12/05/2013 05:46 AM, AirEupora wrote:
>> I have been trying to figure out why my airplane flies One Wing  Low 
>>on the left wing.
> Check the rudder. If the rudder isn't balanced and giving some input  
>all the time, you have to fly one wing low to correct it.
> What exactly to you mean with "one wing low"?
> a) It is flying straight and level with one wing low.
> b) It tends to make a curve all the time and the bank angle keeps  
>increasing if you let go of the stick. If you push it straight with  
>the stick, both wings are level.
> If it is a) then it is a rudder problem.
> If I understand your measurements correctly, the wings are balanced  
>enough not to create serious problems.
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