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Europa-List: Re: Intercom Do you need one

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Intercom Do you need one
From: Remi Guerner <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 12:48:14

I thought it was as simple as that before I read an article in the May 2013 
of the Light Aviation magazine. You must transmit/receive on a given frequency
in 25kHz mode or in 8.33 mode depending on the mode used by the ATC unit for
that frequency. Let's say the required frequency is 130.025, the radio will
transmit/receive on 130.025 on 25kHz mode. Now dial 130.030, the radio will 
on the same 130.025 but on 8.33kHz mode.  Crazy, isnit ? Now dial
130.035 and you will transmit/receive on 130.0333 (130.025+8.33) on 8.33 mode.
Dial 130.040 and you will get 130.0416 (130.0333+8.33). Next frequency will
be 130.050,  and so on....  

[quote]  Am I missing something here? Why do you need to switch modes to work in
the 25 spacing? Does not the 8.33 spacing simply provide 2 extra frequencies
the gap between the exiting 25 spaced ones?

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