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Re: Europa-List: Deformation of canopy

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Deformation of canopy
From: Fred Klein <>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 21:05:02

On Feb 7, 2012, at 12:14 PM, Raimo Toivio wrote:

> we are not contortionists ' we are pilots. At the age 50-100 it is a 

> hard task to practise to be a contortionist ' pilot.

...fascinating topic...

Raimo...a couple of questions...

- When you say you are not a contortionist, are you saying  
that...while sitting in the left seat either CANNOT, or  

find it extremely difficult to, pull the rear of your window/door  
inward if the rear shoot-bolt doesn't engage properly?...

- If so, what happens when you don't get a "green" lite?

- How often do you not get a "green" lite after latching your window/ 

What I'm trying to understand is whether or not your window/door  
installation was perfect or near perfect resulting in virtually 100%  
engagement of rear shoot-bolt when latching and thus your warning lite  

system merely gives you some peace of mind.

As mentioned previously, I feared that my rear shoot-bolts would NOT  
engage properly UNLESS I was able to include some means of pulling the  

rear of the window inward...and my little ergonomic investigation  
showed me that if I installed a little tab on the window  
frame...approximately in line with the CM "head rest"...this would do  

the trick, without my needing to be a contortionist. This works for  
both port and stbd windows as I, like others, do not want to depend on  

a passenger to tell me if everything's aok.

(For the port window, I reach my right arm across my chest to pull the  

tab inward while my left hand pushes the door handle forward...for the  

stdb window, I reach my right arm behind the passenger's "head rest"  
and pull inward while passenger [or I] push the door handle contorting necessary...and whether I have a warning lite  

system or not, I still anticipate going thru these motions when  
securing the window/doors.)


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