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Re: Europa-List: Re: burping the 912

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: burping the 912
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 13:52:57
John=0Aas I understand it, by the time you have burped the engine oil will 
have been pumped round the engine so the old oil on the cams etc will have 
been replaced.=0AProbably the cam followers will also be pumped up to press
ure reducing risk of tappets rattling=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A____________________
____________=0A From: John Wighton <>=0ATo: europa-list@mat =0ASent: Friday, 3 February 2012, 12:41=0ASubject: Europa-List: 
 <>=0A=0AFrans,=0AAs with all things in life you have to li
sten to advice from 'experts', l am sufficiently convinced that the LAA sel
ected the instructor for the Rotax course on the basis that he knows his st
uff.=0A=0AAt the course we examined parts and the instructor also gave a de
scription- of exactly what happens during all phases of operation of the 
engine.=0A=0AHe showed parts that had premature wear due to oil starvation.
=0A=0AAs an aeronautical engineer l took the advice given by that instructo
r and act on it.- If you want to do something else that is fine by me.=0A
=0APut simply, if a component (say a cam) has oil on it and it is turned ag
ainst other parts the oil WILL be disturbed.- If the oil is disturbed som
e of it may vacate to another place (eventually in the tank if cranking).
=0A=0AI appreciate that you have your own opinion, my opinion and the LAA c
ourse instructors advice is - do not hand crank unless there is a good reas
on to do so.=0A=0AMaybe we can meet at EHHO and chew the fat........=0A=0A-
-------=0AJohn Wighton=0AEuropa XS trigear G-IPOD=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ARead this t
opic online here:=0A=0A

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