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Re: Europa-List: Re: burping the 912

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: burping the 912
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 14:45:34

On 02/03/2012 01:41 PM, John Wighton wrote:

> Frans, As with all things in life you have to listen to advice from
> 'experts',

Well, what is an expert? I'm long enough on this planet to have seen
many so called experts to fail... and to see once issued recommendations
---From experts to be hastily revoked somewhat later in history by another
group of experts.

> l am sufficiently convinced that the LAA selected the
> instructor for the Rotax course on the basis that he knows his
> stuff.

Of course all based on the assumption that the LAA has all the knowledge
to judge and value someone else's knowledge.

> He showed parts that had premature wear due to oil starvation.

Sure. But this doesn't say that it was due to excess hand cranking, or
the lack of it. Or just due to something else.

> Put simply, if a component (say a cam) has oil on it and it is turned
> against other parts the oil WILL be disturbed.

Yes, and this happens less when it is done directly after shutdown than
when it is done directly before the next start?

BTW what is exactly the difference between a running engine and one that
is being handcranked? Why would the latter "disturb the oil" more?

> I appreciate that you have your own opinion, my opinion and the LAA
> course instructors advice is - do not hand crank unless there is a
> good reason to do so.

It is not just my opinion, I thought that the general consensus was that
(not just with Rotax but with any engine) hand cranking is a good thing
because it pumps oil into the engine prior to starting.
I even recall to have seen in some Rotax document that it is advisable
when you don't use the engine for a while to hand crank it once per
month or so. Why would that be???

> Maybe we can meet at EHHO and chew the fat........

Well, to be honest EHHO isn't a very interesting destination. How about
the annual event at EHTX (Texel)?


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