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Re: Europa-List: Aluminium Fuel Tube

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Aluminium Fuel Tube
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 11:52:09
Tony=0ATim's aluminium elbow is highly recommended, it stops a lot of the f
uel smell in =0Athe cockpit, but make sure all the molding flash is careful
ly cut off the Cobra =0Aso that the rubber tube jopints sit snuggly and sea
l to the Cobra, and the tank =0Astub=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A____________
____________________=0AFrom: Tim Ward <>=0ATo: tonyrenshaw; Wednesday, 21 Septem
ber, 2011 10:56:45=0ASubject: Europa-List: Aluminium Fuel Tube=0A=0A=0ATony
,=0ASee attachment in fixing the aluminium pipe supplied by me.=0AIt is pur
posely too long to allow for different fittings.=0APosition the =9Cco
bra=9D first with your splash moulding.=0ADon=99t forget to rei
nforce the skin behind the cobra moulding with 3 layers  of =0ABid to preve
nt deforming skin in hot temperatures (Aussie)=0ACut it, the pipe, graduall
y back , a little at a time until you have the  =0Acorrect fit.=0AThe rubbe
r piping at each end allows for mistakes.=0AOnce it is joined up then do th
e lay ups to the wall for the cobra.=0APuts some blue foam at the back of t
he cobra to allow for the shape and  =0Aexpansion.=0A =0A =0ACheers,=0A =0A
Tim=0A =0A =0ATim  Ward,=0A12 Waiwetu Street,=0AFendalton,=0AChristchurch 8
052=0ANew  Zealand=0A=0APh; 03 3515166=0AMob; 0210640221=0A=0Aemail;  ward.

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