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Re: Europa-List: LANDING SONAR

Subject: Re: Europa-List: LANDING SONAR
Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 17:16:10
Ferg=0AWas it Graham Clarke, G-EMIN? He proposed a "white stick" hinged to 
drop down =0Awhen the gear went down and touch the ground first. He also wo
rked with sonar I =0Abelieve and installed a fuel gauge that used a surplus
 ASI.. He stopped flying =0Ayears ago due to health reasons, his knees were
 wearing out when he rigged the =0Aaircraft single handed. Very clever guy.
=0A=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Fergus Kyle <>=0ATo: 5EUROPALIST  <>=0ASent: Frida
y, 6 May, 2011 15:05:40=0ASubject: Europa-List: LANDING SONAR=0A=0ALANDING 
SONAR =0ACheers, =0A        I was reviewing the door=98anti-bulge
=99reference in today=99s list when the =0Aadjacent=9Crandom
image=9Dfeatured the above topic which I espoused lo, that many =0Aye
ars ago.=0A        I forgot to see who originated the image because it refe
rred to =0Ameasuring height-above-runway from 6 inches to about 6 feet. My 
enthusiasm was =0Apeaked because the stall speed (+/-40kt) equated to the s
peed of rudder =0Aauthority loss. The whole idea being to stall her on tail
 firstto acquire =0Adirectional authority on touchdown. I had thought there
 were too many incidents =0Aof mono=99s veering off the landing strip
through loss of control.=0A        I beg whoever authored that image to con
tact me as have built but not =0Atested the device and am sure I=99ve
 missed something, please.=0AFerg=0Aout of the spare bedroom this month=0A 
============  =0A

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