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Re: Europa-List: texel fly-in

Subject: Re: Europa-List: texel fly-in
From: Rowland Carson <>
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 21:30:42

>Just returned with my wife Ilona from the Texel fly-in.
>We both have had a wonderfull time over there. It was nice to see so
>many Europa's live (instead of via pictures on the internet) and to talk
>with some people I have known before only by name

Frans - I echo your sentiments. It was great to meet Ilona & you, and 
all the other folk. I've only been to a couple of smaller, more 
informal, events on the continent before and maybe resisted going 
because I want to finish my own Europa rather than cadging rides in 
others' planes.

Tim Houlhan invited me to go with him this time in G-BZTH and I am so 
glad I went. I'm only sorry that my commitments here in Cheltenham 
today dragged us away on Saturday afternoon.

>Thanks to all participants to make this happen!

The organisation and work put in by so many was much appreciated.

Everyone was so welcoming - Tim & I were specially impressed with the 
kindness shown to us by Jacqueline Roelofs.

>If there is enough interest, we will post some pictures of the event

I didn't take as many pictures as maybe I should have but will try to 
sort out a few that might be of general interest.

Where to put them?

It seems the Matronics photo-sharing mechanism is not well-suited to 
multiple uploads as it's a manual operation.

The EuropaOwners Gallery seems to exist mainly for the building 
process; not sure about the etiquette of re-purposing it towards 
fly-in events.


| Rowland Carson
| <>          ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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