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Re: Europa-List: aileron etc weights [was: Europa 4-seater]

Subject: Re: Europa-List: aileron etc weights [was: Europa 4-seater]
From: Rowland Carson <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 18:38:16

>Instead of that I found a rudder weight. That was 1813 grams WITH 
>rudder horn but before surface

Raimo - I didn't weigh my rudder before I profiled and gel-coat 
finished it (didn't have a handy digital fish scale or baggage scale 
back then). It is now 2905g with hinges fitted and horn in LE for 
pushrod control. I think I applied the Schwabellack gel-coat about 5 
times and rubbed almost all of it off again before discovering where 
to STOP rubbing! So, there may be a bit more weight in the finish 
than is ideal. But, you have to start practising somewhere ...

>Neville Eyre stated 1/12/1999 1800 grams would be ideal

I wish these "ideal" component weights had been advertised a bit more 
widely back then - they would have been a guide to how well one is 
doing in keeping out excess weight (usually excess epoxy on the 
control surfaces).


| Rowland Carson  LAA #16532
| 1280 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI  e-mail <>

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