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Re: Europa-List: ROTAX 5 Year Rubber Replacement

Subject: Re: Europa-List: ROTAX 5 Year Rubber Replacement
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 21:35:47

bmoorhouse wrote:

> I apologise in advance if this is incorrect but this a repeat of a
> post I made in the Rotax Engine List which may be answered by someone
> with a Europa in the UK.
> My ROTAX 914  is due (well actually overdue) for the mandatory 5 year
> replacement of rubber hoses, carburettor rubber parts etc. and I have
> a jaw dropping kit price from the UK Rotax distributor of 661.25
> for the parts :x

Sorry, couldn't resist. Just for your amusement, here is a message I
received yesterday from the Thielert list, about the same subject:


my Centurion 1.7 in my C172 is now 5 years old and at the same time 300 h.
OK, most of you will laugh now, I know. But wait, because I have some
information which might wipe away your laughter:

 I have to exchange gear, coupling HP-pump, alternator and so on.  I have
payed 7000 Euro in advance for this parts 3 weeks ago, still we have no
parts.  (I live only 80km from Thielert home base Lichtenstein but is
looks like it is as far as from US.)

Now comes the hammer:  After 5 Years all rubber hoses have to be

 I  have received an offer for one hose set for Centurion 1.7,

6283,07  inkl. VAT   for 24 rubber hoses!

So I have to pay allready more than 13000 Euros only for parts.

For privat pilots which have to less time for flying thielert is the
biggest worst case ever seen!!!


> This seems ludicrously expensive.

I guess everything is scalable. ;-)

Frans Veldman

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