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RE: Europa-List: Fuel valve open or close between flights

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Fuel valve open or close between flights
From: Greg Fuchs <>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 18:11:29

Funny, I chose the same convention, but for ergonomic reasons. I figured
with the main tank selection pointing forward, it would be a little more out
of the way, and less prone to leaning against. Seated in the normal fasion
while flying, the fuel selector valve is out of the way, anyway.
It is opposite the normal convention (main and reserve are swapped -normally
main points up), but only if I remember correctly. 
Works for me, though.

>- pointer to fore position means MAIN (because I wanna fly usually
>- pointer to up position means RES (because I do NOT wanna go down!)

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