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SV: Europa-List: Fuel valve open or close between flights

Subject: SV: Europa-List: Fuel valve open or close between flights
From: Sidsel og Svein Johnsen <>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 17:26:51


I forgot to answer that question, so here it comes:

I see no reason to close the fuel valve while the aircraft is parked.
Rather to the contrary, if there is a leak downstream from the valve there
is a chance to detect it while still on the ground, by the smell.

My routine, reflected in the check list, is to switch to RESERVE before
starting the engine, and keep it there during warm-up and taxi.  Reason:  I
wish to flow fuel through the reserve side of the system and the filter in
that line to make sure it is not blocked, and so that any debris in the
reserve line is caught by the filter and can be inspected there (nothing
found so far in either line).

At run-up, first check is to switch to MAIN, and first check before take-off
roll is to verify that it has been switched to MAIN. 

Once in a while, I switch to OFF and back on the ground just to check free


-----Opprinnelig melding-----
[] P vegne av Raimo Toivio
Sendt: 28. april 2009 16:57
Emne: Europa-List: Fuel valve open or close between flights


Sveins answer below gave me a new topic.

After flights do you close or not main fuel selector valve?

I have elected to keep it always open!
I understand there is an other side also.
Anyway when it is always open I never forget to open it before take offs.
I tested and it is possible to make a fast take off with closed valve.
That means EFATO situation.

To prevent jamming or seizing  I move it couple of times in a year between

Other visions please.

Raimo OH-XRT

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