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RE: Europa-List: Stall strips

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Stall strips
From: Robert C Harrison <>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 16:12:31

Hi! Clive.
The Europa Build manual includes a mask for initial positioning of the
strips then you move them progressively up the inboard leading edge
about 1mm at a time and retest until you get the buffet where you want
They are about 1/2" quadrant 6" long with the hypotenuse radiused
concave to fit snug on the  leading edge profile about 12" from the
fuselage side.
Gives a good wake up call at the right time.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of James,
Clive R
Sent: 13 November 2008 11:14
Subject: Europa-List: Stall strips


I'm having to fit some stall strip on my plane to make the stall a
little more benign. It's not a Europa but I thought maybe someone on
this list could give me some tips an how to fit them, where, testing etc
Or is it just a case of stick em on and try things out?
Regards, Clive
Esqual VM1 3300 

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