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Re: Europa-List: Aileron hinge wear

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Aileron hinge wear
From: Lisbet og Gert Dalgaard <>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 15:34:38
Hi Svein
You take out the hinge-pin, form it as an "S" (app. 20 deg. on each  
bend), and tap it careful back in the hinge  -  after that you have  
solved the problem.
Regards Gert

Den 22/10/2008 kl. 08.38 skrev Sidsel & Svein Johnsen:

> On the two Europa XS's in Norway with more than 20 hours flying  
> time, the outer hinge on both ailerons on both aircraft has  
> developed noticeable wear.  When the ailerons were mounted, no play  
> was noticed - not-perfect alignment of the two hinges removed the  
> play that exists in these MS-hinges even when new.  The ailerons  
> were carefully balanced after filling and painting, as per the BM.
> No wear is noticed on the inner aileron hinges, nor on the rudder or  
> trim tab hinges.
> We have both monitored this carefully, without discovering any  
> increased play over the roughly 50 + hours flown since first  
> discovering this.  However, this does not rule out that wear may  
> continue at a low rate.
> The outer hinge is fitted a fair distance from the tip.  Even with  
> tight outer hinge, the tip may be moved easily up or down without  
> applying much force due to the flexibility of the aileron's structure.
> Could the cause of this be small vibrations in the outer,  
> unsupported part of the aileron when activating the aileron (i.e.  
> not streamlined aft of the wing)?
> Even if the outer hinges were tight, the flexibility "does not look  
> right".  I have not found any other aircraft design at my local  
> field where the ailerons flex like this.
> I have now fitted an additional, third hinge on each aileron, at the  
> tip and of the same type and length as the original outer hinge  
> (which I have left in place).
> Anyone else with similar experience?
> Svein

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