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Re: Europa-List: when to attach spar strap

Subject: Re: Europa-List: when to attach spar strap
From: Rowland & Wilma Carson <>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2008 15:35:54

>The exact time to do the spar strap is up to you.  I do it when 
>convenient after rig of the sockets.  Be sure to set each wing at 
>the same incidence angle prior to glassing

Bud - thanks for that advice. Sorry for delay in responding. I'm 
running into supply delays with adaptors for aluminium fuel lines, 
and with the in-tank fuel level sensors, so I'm looking for something 
else to do while waiting for deliveries.

The closeness of fit of the pip-pin (noticeably tighter than the 
cap-screw with the allen key welded into it) in the spar bushes 
suggests to me that the spars will not move much relative to each 
other once it is inserted, but I will take care to check the relative 
wing incidences before doing the spar strap glass work.


| Rowland Carson  LAA #16532
| 1140 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI  e-mail <>

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