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Europa-List: Wing dolley - where to put the pivot point

Subject: Europa-List: Wing dolley - where to put the pivot point
From: milnera <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 14:41:27

I had hoped for an Easter weekend in Cornwall, but with snow, rain, gales and 
miserable weather I thought I'd make up some wing dolleys to aid self

I've pretty much copied the design used by many; essentially two layups clamped
around the tip, hinged on the underside and supported by a two wheeled metal
frame the pivots to allow the wing to move from vertical to horizontal.  The 
are curing now in this tropical heat so they should be ready by next Easter

Anyone who has been using a similar design, can you suggest where to put the 
point for a trigear wing?  I planned to balance it so it's slightly leading-edge
heavy.  It would then fall to the vertical for storage and when wheeling
it around.

Any comments from experience most welcome.  I haven't built the frame yet.


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