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RE: Europa-List: Rotax 912/914

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Rotax 912/914
From: craig bastin <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 20:40:10
faster climb outs springs to mind, 165kts cruise might be nice  too : )
Plus, and i guess some of you mountain flyers would be familiar with
mountain waves etc, full power 100kts nose up and still sinking
at 1000fpm or more. not that you need our may even want to use it, but that
extra power may save your life.
Plus it give ATC something to think about when you take off at 150kts
2000fpm climb : ) and they are up there thinking "Stupid little kit planes
be using REAL airports like this one"
  -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Gert Dalgaard
  Sent: Monday, 14 January 2008 10:09 PM
  Subject: Re: Europa-List: Rotax 912/914

  - what do we need 130 hp for ??   :-)
  Regards Gert
  Mono/914/app. 500 hours

  Den 14/01/2008 kl. 12.41 skrev craig bastin:

    I wonder if anyone has switched pistons or thrown a head spacer in a
912s to reduce the compression and then turbo charged it. With the extra
    capacity if it was done correctly it should be good for about 130hp or
so. Could be a good way to go


5:39 PM

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