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RE: Europa-List: New 914 won't "kill" on either ignition circuit....

Subject: RE: Europa-List: New 914 won't "kill" on either ignition circuit....
From: Jerry Rehn <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:29:47

I would check your grounding wires again and again, insure all are connected
properly. The engines are all run tested at the factory before delivery so
odds are something in your wiring is not correct. Since there are two
independent circuits, A fires the top plugs and B fires the bottom plugs
both of those would have to be defective from the factory (if your engine
continues to run smoothly when your grounded switches are on.) I think you
will eventually find it in your wiring.



[] On Behalf Of R.C.Harrison
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 2:46 AM
Subject: Europa-List: New 914 won't "kill" on either ignition circuit....

Hi! All

Sign of times ahead ?

My brand new 914 will not stop?  (except by fuel switch)  Any ideas ..except
external mag kill wires, switches and  shieldings?

All external wires and switches have been proven OK.

Arthur from North Wales says someone recently in the USA had a similar

BTW thanks for trailer responses I believe I'm fixed up from Lincoln.


Bob Harrison G-PTAG


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