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Re: Europa-List: Mono gear collapse

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Mono gear collapse
From: Paul Boulet <possibletodo@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 09:57:50
The gear lever was down and locked.  My collapse occured after landing roll
 out at about 5 kts ground speed.  A slight bump caused it to bounce off ce
nter and totally distort/destroy the gear lever and all the mechanisms atta
ched to it.  The build manual is wrong and if it had been correct this neve
r would have happened.=0A=0AI'm surmising most of this because the accident
 occured with my test pilot at the controls.  Also I did not perform the te
ardown/rebuild converstion to tri gear- my builder assist center performed 
this.=0A=0AWords to the wise.... take a look at someone else's mono gear re
traction mechanism before accepting the manual's instructions as the gospel
 truth.=0A=0APaul Boulet N914PB=0A=0A----- Original Message ----=0AFrom: St
eve Crimm <>=0ATo:
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 9:02:14 AM=0ASubject: RE: Europa-List: Mono>=0A=0AQuestion...=0A=0AWhen the gear collapsed, wha
t was the position of the gear lever after the=0Acollapse?  In the down or 
up position? =0A=0ASteve Crimm=0AN42AH=0AFor
ropa=0A=0A=0A-----Original Message-----=0AFrom: owner-europa-list-server@ma[] On Behalf Of 
Fergus Kyle=0ASent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 11:40=0ATo: EUROPALIST=0ASubj
ect: Europa-List: Mono gear collapse=0A=0A--> Europa-List message posted by
: "Fergus Kyle" <>=0A=0AI was saddened to hear of that event -
 especially on take-off.......... =0Aand, of course because I contemplate t
he same possibility.=0AIs there a spot in the gear-down structure where the
 insertion of a=0Abar/lever/whatever mightr inhibit an over-centre travel o
n a bumpy take-off=0A(one which I may see fairly often up north)?  It might
 also stop inadvertent=0Agear-up on display stands.=0A=0AFerg Kyle=0AEuropa

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