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Europa-List: Perspective Europa XS purchase - Questions for the group

Subject: Europa-List: Perspective Europa XS purchase - Questions for the group
From: Steven Janicki <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 14:27:01
Hello All,=0A=0AI am considering the purchase of a completed and flying Eur
opa XS. I have corresponded with the seller and exchanged information, pict
ures, etc, everything looks fine so far. We are separated by several states
 and thus I don't have the option of driving over to see the airplane in pe
rson. My remaining concern is if I can fit comfortably in the airplane. I a
m 6', tall in the torso, sitting bolt upright on the floor I measure my hea
d at 38". My weight is 210 lbs. I have read what I could find on this e-mai
l list as well as the Internet and the concensus is that 6' - 6' 1" is abou
t max height for comfort. I would appreciate any additional input from curr
ent flyers / builders.=0A=0AI can't find the specific measurements of the c
ockpit from seat bottom to top of the cockpit, nor am I able to find the am
ount of recline the seatback has. Both would have been useful to make some 
measurements against and get a better approximation as to how much room the
re is in the cockpit. Anyone have these or can point me to a source?=0A=0AM
y previous airplane was a Lancair 320 which appears to have about the same 
amount of shoulder and head room as the Europa XS? Also, I live in Northern
 California, Cameron Park, so if there is anyone near me or in the Bay Area
 building or has a completed XS I would appreciate the opportunity to try t
he airplane on for size. Also, any Europa XS CFI's in the area?=0A=0AI real
ly admire the Europa and to me it is the ultimate airplane with a great bal
ance of features and efficiency. Of course I need to fit in the airplane co
mfortably!=0A=0AThank's in advance for your help!=0A=0ARegards,=0A=0ASteven
=0A=0A=0A =0A______________________________________________________________

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