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Europa-List: Water corrosion?

Subject: Europa-List: Water corrosion?
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2005 10:17:56

>But; my bird has a gascolator in the fuelline (!!), still there could come 
>water in the bowls. But in the Tech Log (G-KITZ) I discovered that KW didn't 
>fly the bird much in the last 6 month of EMIL's life,
>and according the information I received the bird was parked somewere 
>outside on a field called Connington.
>My be that could be one explanation... parking in open air.
>Tim Weert.
Check if your gascolator lets water through, if its an Andair it won't 
unless wrongly assembled. I know the factory used a cheap gascolator one 
time which was not well designed, ACS I think.
Its best to filter out the water before it gets in the tank, a Mister 
Funnel will do that, but it is not the same mesh as the Andair, (70 
migron) so fine stuff it lets through could still affect the Andair.

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