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Europa-List: Trouble fitting wings to fuselage

Subject: Europa-List: Trouble fitting wings to fuselage
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:54:24

The cockpit module is installed and I have the top temporarily on and snug.
Following the instructions to set the wing incidence, I've attempted to
insert the wings and insert the pins to hold everything in place while trial
positioning and fitting the wing root pins. 

Outside the fuselage, the wing bushings line up fine, and using the two
large pins supplied, can get them to go through both bushings on each side,
although they are VERY tight. 

It can't be where the holes are located inside the cockpit module as those
lines up fine with the first spar bushing. We just can't get the starboard
wing to go in enough for the bushings on that spar to line up. Even if we do
get them lined up, it's a bear to get those pins in and out.
Dan Bish

it sounds like some of the bushes in the spars are badly aligned. My approach 
be to find out which ones are wrong, remove them then carefully rebond them
in using tight pins, (the bolts provided are slightly undersize and this is
where the errors originate, in the original jigging) You need to do it with the
wings assembled ,
Then fit to the fuselage and check alighment with the fuselage bushes.
The easy way is to ream out the misaligned bushes but you will end up with loose

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