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Re: Europa-List: Through the firewall

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Through the firewall
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 09:35:43

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gerry Holland" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Through the firewall

| > Arent there AN parts intended for rubber fuel hose that would do the job 
| > bulkhead penetration? They also happen to look very smart :-)
| Look at Light Aero:|
| Parts:
| AN807
| AN848
| There is bound to be a combination that would suit.
| Gerry

Right on. Spruce has several pages of AN bits. I used the above to run the 
return fuel line back to the tank inlet.  Any AN steel fitting with a 35deg 
cone and (I think) a 9/16"x18tpi - for 3/8" bore - will be secure through 
composite or stainless steel walls, by means of appropriate washers and 
nuts. "Bulkhead" is the trigger word.

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