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Re: Europa-List: Radio reception problems

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Radio reception problems
From: Geoff Leedham <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 08:44:47

Bryan, I also have the same problem with East Midlands. I have an Icom A200 
radio and have noticed that even quite close to EMA that the reception is 
poor (lots of static )although Birmingham is loud and clear. I had the 
Europa antenna and now have the Bob Archer unit fitted but still the same 
poor reception.
One thing I have noticed is that if I switch off the Skymap 11 , the 
reception is almost perfect. I have tried using the Skymap on its batteries 
to eliminate A/C power but the fault is still there. (have also tried 
repositioning the skymap antenna but no improvement.
If you have a Skymap fitted I would try swithing it off to check this out.
If anyone knows how to improve this fault please let me know.
Geoff Leedham G-EOFS

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bryan Allsop" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Radio reception problems

> <>
> I have been interested in the recent correspondence regarding radio 
> frequencies, and related performance characteristics. In particular, the 
> extreme ranges.

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