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Re: Europa-List: Europa VHF Antenna Problems

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa VHF Antenna Problems
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 22:12:19

Roger Anderson wrote:
> ...but the [monopole's] readings are not as good as the original
> from the [problematic] dipole.

> Conclusion - the dipole is great but highly susceptible to

When mounted in a plastic airplane vs. on a metal airframe, the
monopole whip antenna + ground plane can be as annoyed by things
nearby.  The essential difference can be that the longer length of the
dipole makes installation free and clear more of a problem, though.

I bugged a retired, aircraft antenna engineer about what radiates on
the back side of the monopole's ground plane if of the recommended
dimension and a plastic plane.  He thought huge backlobes might be
hurled into outer space.  I stumbled upon a thread of ham types and
engineers whose 200+ messages had multiple theories and didn't settle
anything.  So...which is more efficient???

Fred F.

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