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RE: Europa-List: Before Installing Cockpit Module

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Before Installing Cockpit Module
From: William Daniell <>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 12:08:10


I screwed up and the result was a large number of bubbles which then had to
be filled and then subsequently the bonding had to be reinforced with tapes
all the way round.

1.  It might seem like a pretty obvious thing to do but first make sure that
the cradle you constructed is the one recommended in the manual.  This was
my big error - I built formers based on the cockpit module and these did not
allow for the boat shape.

2. pre-fit.  Doing it again I think I would have used some larger bolts and
washers at the bottom corner of the firewall (where your front LG
frame/engine mount will go through the fw).  Probably 1/4in wd do the trick.
Draw the cockpit module up to the firewall as stated in the manual and then
make sure everything else in the right place.  I used a digital level to
ensure that the spar bushes and the two upper surface of the two foot wells
were level.

3.  Make sure that you have the required number of people (at least 2)

4.  Prepare your Redux in the right quantities - I do not think I used
enough - but the general consensus seems to be about one tin.   (any

5.  Spread liberally on both surfaces.  From this point on there are some
very good comments from others on the subject.

Good luck


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David Simenauer
Subject: Europa-List: Before Installing Cockpit Module

I am getting close to installing my cockpit module and I was wondering if
there are recommended things to do beyond what the manual describes prior to

Dave Simenauer
A101 Trigear

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