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Re: Europa-List: Honey, I Shrank the Perspex!

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Honey, I Shrank the Perspex!
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 09:28:47

> Kingsley Hurst wrote:

> would have frightened @#$% out of me because my screen and
> windows (now installed) were standing on their ends in my shed for
> over 7 years where the temperature reaches around 50C quite often
> in summer time and 0C or below during winter.

Thanks for the suggestions, Kinsgley, but they lie flush in the
sans-gelcoat rebates all around nicely.  Mine have been stored in
constant temp in what's supposed to be a billiard room, slowly being
reactivated through reduction in parts inventory!  It's quite possible
I never noticed the misfit of one glass several years ago, due to
maybe poor factory cut at the top, but it's so obvious.  No big deal
fixing the rebate, after all the practice in making the cowlings fit
the way I want; but I hope these fixes will end soon.

One nice thing is minimal handling of the glass to trim them down now.
Breakage and scratching is directly related to availability of a
replacement, you know.  Forgetting previous bizarre things done on my
property, my new "neighbor from hell" started felling all his trees,
after stripping most of the gorgeous landscaping last week.  One huge
chunk of an 80-foot tree landed in my back yard, shaking the house and
shop like a huge bomb exploded nearby, while I was gently handling one
of the acrylics.  Part of my knock-dead wooded view out the back was
the visual effect of his; now Mr. Ignazlo Whatever has cost me about
$5,000 property value, that's all.  But I was musing a while back
whether people who would buy the house would think me an oddball for
building an airplane.  No concern there....  :-)

Fred F.

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