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RE: Europa-List: cowlings

Subject: RE: Europa-List: cowlings
From: Rob Housman <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 09:24:15

Been there, done that.  I thinned both cowl pieces and still had a poor fit,
so I proceeded to sand the fuselage to make things fit together without a
bump.  By the time I got a good fit I found it necessary to add glass to the
interior of the fuselage (because I could see through it before things fit
properly).  One must conclude that when the fuselage moldings were designed,
a necessary joggle to match the interior contour of the cowl was omitted.

Best regards,

Rob Housman
Europa XS Tri-Gear A070
Airframe complete
Irvine, CA

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of paul stewart
Subject: Europa-List: cowlings


Still having all sorts of fun fitting the cowlings. Another question. Were
the two cowlings and the fuselage all come together (ie aft end on the
cowling joint line) the cowlings sit very proud of the fuselage line. This
appears only partly due to having two thicknesses of cowling for the
fuselage joggle to accommodate at this point. The contour of the  joggle at
this point does not line up with the contour of the cowlings rather it
forces them outboard (finding this difficult to explain). If any one
recognises what I'm talking about and has a solution I'd be grateful..


Paul    #432

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