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Re: 914 Warning Lights

Subject: Re: 914 Warning Lights
From: Tony S. Krzyzewski <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 06:50:34

>> Pull the switch/CB for a couple seconds then push the switch/CB back
in, the unit will self test and reset if there was a malfunction. If the
light will not go out, then you have a problem  and you must control the
boost with the throttle until you can land.

Another little tip that I was given by Skydrive was to not pull the
breaker with the engine running without ensuring that you had the

If the throttle is closed when you do this there is a possibility that
you can end up with the wastegate servo stuck wide open. If that happens

At the PFA rally last year Skydrive were looking at developing a dump
valve for the 914 to cover the eventuality of a stuck wastegate.


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