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Re: New Europa Web Site

Subject: Re: New Europa Web Site
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 23:40:36

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Subject: Re:  New Europa Web Site

> Bob,>
> << >>
> > This is really a nice website!
> > Regards,       Martin Tuck    > N152MT

Martin, old sock,
            Why is there suddenly a competitive Europa -USA list, and
website? Surely there should be Australian, New Zealand, Canadian, Norwegian
and whatever-else  website if the country means so much to an aircraft. If
the Brits don't want to publish your local news, then I'll help you stick it
to them but we mustn't start thinking in boundaries and borders with
aircraft, any more than with radios. If you persist, I'll never get to go to
Niagara NY and buy my Tootsie Rolls.

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