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Re: 6mm Roll Pins

Subject: Re: 6mm Roll Pins
From: Rob Housman <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 16:32:48
Graham, I fail to see your reason for concern.  The roll pin is secure by
virtue of the interference fit on one side, and the structure is sound by
virtue of the oversize hole being only very slightly oversize, so the
pivoting connection will have the same strength as Europa intended.

If you fear that something will come apart in the event of an unfortunately
"hard" landing and the door(s) might fail to open then that is why we will
carry a crash axe, an essential tool in the Europa if one finds oneself
hanging by the seatbelt.

I recall perusing Paul's mod and liked it but had already made my mod.

Best regards,

Rob Housman
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Graham Singleton
Subject: Re:  6mm Roll Pins

>   They are devilishly difficult to insert because, by design,
>the hole is smaller than the pin

>Also, you get to use roll pins later when installing the shoot bolt
>mechanism in the doors.  Here the roll pin fits snugly into a fork (really
>clevis) and I can assure you that if you follow the procedure in the manual
>you will bend the "tine" on the back side of the shoot bolt actuating rods
>(DL08F and DL08R), which then jams the mechanism.

Not a good idea IMHO. I used AN3 bolts and MS thingummy nuts 21042 perhaps?
Senior moment again. {?:-(
Paul McAllister did it nicely, he cut flats on the side of the shoot bolt
push rods and riveted on side plates, to achieve potentially a more
reliable assembly. I did take some pictures at the time.

We reinvented Bob Jacobson's third shoot bolt too while we were at it. This
resulted in a big improvement in the feel of the whole thing. I still
suspect that a passive half round spigot on the door would work almost as
well. Not had a chance to try it yet. My Long EZ is blocking the queue into
my shop.


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