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Re: 2nd try - Dive Brakes....

Subject: Re: 2nd try - Dive Brakes....
From: nigel_graham <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 22:24:08

If you really must mess up that lovely wing - I noticed while strolling
through the deserted homebuild area at Sun'n Fun (where was everyone by
Wednesday?) that the Lancair boys are fitting an off-the-shelf "letter box"
spoiler. Nicely made - but at an obscene price.
I seem to recall seeing an ad for them in the S'n F catalog(ue) this year -
but I have just thrown my copy away. (Isn't it always the way?)
If I do find it I'll mail you offline.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Fergus Kyle" <>
Subject: Re:  2nd try - Dive Brakes....

----- Original Message ----- From:
> Ferg, will the motorglider wings answer your problem?
>  Although it would no doubt be difficult to incorporate the airbrake into
standard wings, why not just use the big wings to start with; or is that too
easy an answer?> chus,  > dave
            Got to admit I haven't seen the glider brakes, Dave, but have
read the description. I could use the wings, except that the short jobs fit
the garage pretty closely, and I feel there should be an exquisitely simple
'board' placed in just the right spot to double the drag (or cut the lift).
adversely, (b)  change the pressure gradient around exhaust, air cabin
intake or exhaust, or (c) cost the earth in either time, energy or lucre.
            I think I'll spot Don Dykins a half day's pay as am sure he has
the creativity to mod. his baby.
chus, ferg

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