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Re: rudder core

Subject: Re: rudder core
From: Alexander P. de C. Kaarsberg <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 11:51:24
My premade rudder has a nice little dent in it that i now know the 
reason for, thanks! If you'd like a picture of it, I will send it to you.
I am rubbing my hinges down and treating them as I have bad experience 
with extruded alu parts- exfoliation corrosion hits real quick when 
you're not looking. The hinges appear to be anodized but then they get 
cut and rubbed down at least on the bonding surface...

Alex  XS # 529

Stephen Dunn wrote:

> Just started shaping the rudder core and I read somewhere that there 
> is a problem with the leading edge tip hitting the fin when the rudder 
> is deflected to the left. Is this a problem, and if so is it something 
> I can address at this stage? The manual isn't very specific about the 
> shape of the tip. Also, do the hinges need to be treated before being 
> bonded to the rudder? Thanks,
>                             Steve
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