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Re: rudder core

Subject: Re: rudder core
From: Rob Housman <>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 16:30:54
It isn't a big deal.  All it requires is a bit of trial and error to get the
fit right after the stern post is installed, and then repair the "damage" by
covering the exposed foam with more epoxy-fiberglass.  Since you can not
anticipate how things will go together, this seems like the right way to do
this (as annoying as it is at the time you discover your otherwise good
rudder work must be attacked with a saw (or whatever is your weapon of
choice).  I also found that I had to whack a chunk off the bottom of the
rudder to mount the XTW09 Rudder Horn on my XS.  Again, no big deal.

Best regards,

Rob Housman

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Stephen Dunn
Subject:  rudder core

Just started shaping the rudder core and I read somewhere that there is a
problem with the leading edge tip hitting the fin when the rudder is
deflected to the left. Is this a problem, and if so is it something I can
address at this stage? The manual isn't very specific about the shape of the
tip. Also, do the hinges need to be treated before being bonded to the
rudder? Thanks,

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