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Re: Terra Radio

Subject: Re: Terra Radio
From: Frank Mycroft <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 16:02:07

Many thanks for your help.  I think I will do what you did and send it back
to Terra (?Trimble now?).  Ben Faulkner (ex G-BXGG)  did the same and it
worked fine until he sold the aircraft.  Can you let me have the address
please, and a phone number if you have one.  There has been so much trouble
with these radios, although some have worked perfectly, that I suspect that
Terra had some dodgy components, and whoever repairs them now knows all
about the problems and goes straight to the heart of the matter.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Subject: Re:  Terra Radio

> Frank, Alan,
>   I had a similar problem with my Terra radio, bought around mid 94 and
finally flying in 'UM april 99. Probably transmission unreadable about 5 to
10% of the time until about 11/2 years ago when it just stopped transmitting
voice - very strong carrier wave though apparantly.
>   I decided that rather than re-design the panel with a new radio, I'd
have it fixed. Sent it to Terra in <New Mexico??> and it was back within 4
weeks. Works great now. Can get you the address tonight if you want to
consider this option.
>   BTW, I have the standard Europa fin aerial, works ok for me, have been
2-way with some stations up to 60NM out, and the aerial lead plugs into a
panel mounted socket for easier panel removal.
> chus,
> dave
> g-bxum
> kit67
> > Oh dear,
> >
> > Hi Frank. Sorry to tell you that your 'tale of woe' is not unique. This
has been discussed on this forum before. 'Transmission unreadable' I'm
surprised if it's always unreadable. Others have found that transmission is
unreadable a %
> > The questions are:
> >
> > 1/ Does *anyone* out there own a Terra 760D transceiver which transmits
> > ok 100% of the time ?
> > 2/ If so did it formerly not work, and what solution was found ?

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