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Re: Auxiliary fuel tank

Subject: Re: Auxiliary fuel tank
From: Barrington Tennant <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 08:54:09
Hi Dave,

I use my tank often and I can just lift the full tank in but not out.

In fact I fill the tank when it is in the plane, it is quite easy and no
fuel spills, I fitted then a fuel pump to pump the remaining contents of
the tank into the main tank after flight so that I can take the empty or
nearly empty tank out.

Best regards

Barry Tennant

Dave DeFord schrieb:
> Since the topic of the long-range fuel tank has come up, can anyone tell me
> how you either hoist a 60-pound tank full of fuel into the airplane, or fill
> the empty tank inside the airplane without risk of spilling fuel into the
> interior?
> Dave DeFord
> N135TD

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