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Cockpit Module fit into Canoe

Subject: Cockpit Module fit into Canoe
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 13:53:26
These comments are in regards to the joggles molded into the cockpit module, 
to accomodate the varying thickness of foam/no foam locations in the canoe
on my XS Mono A198.

I've just completed my first trial fit of the module and have found that on the
port side floor of the canoe, the foam extends approximately 1" outboard beyond
where the joggle in the cockpit molding would like to see it.  The effect is
to lift the cockpit module off the surface of the 'bare' canoe section where
no foam is present - which would result in thicker glue required.

Similarly, I note that the flange around the seat bottom that goes up the side
is not joggled inward to accomodate the thickness of the foam along the side of
the canoe.  

The obvious solution will be to carve away the foam to allow the module to sit
properly.  Can any predecessors comment?  Suggest that others to follow look for
this condition.  

This is the second occurrance (the first being the location of the foam 
in top wing skin where the stiffener did not align with the rib indentations)
of where the foam did not align with molded in indentations.  This is a factory
layup problem that may occur one to the next, as the joggles are obviously
molded with tooling.  (Of course the foam may be die cut . . .)

Still love the kit, and this forum is worth its weight it bits.

XS Mono A198
Detroit, MI

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