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Inventory Database / Builders log

Subject: Inventory Database / Builders log
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 08:02:27
Hi, while awaiting my kit, I thought I'd use this time to develop a database 
for the parts inventory. My question is, is this a good idea or a waste of 
time? Sometimes computers can make jobs harder, with having to keep the 
database up to date. Does anyone have one already? If so, can I get a copy? I 
was also thinking of putting my builders log in a database. Any good Ideas 
for fields? Date, time, room temp, barometer, hygrometer, batch# of resin, 
work done, etc.

I have a small network of computers at home and hooking one into the shop 
won't be a problem. I was thinking of sticking a web cam in the corner, so 
you could come buy anytime and see the shop. "Bill, Bill, look he's got the 
outriggers on top of the wings! Think we should tell him?"


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