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Re: Control Stick Grips

Subject: Re: Control Stick Grips
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 15:25:41

I have a pal who loves turning and polishing wood, so I asked him to fit me 
out with a set of beautifully shaped and textured handles and knobs and 
things to fit out the cockpit.

I still feel very comfortable with the wood texture and it looks nice! No 
doubt someone will call it a fire hazard, but who cares. Nobody is happier 
than me when I sit there with those controls in my hands.

I cant resist adding that the touch of spice, which comes with handling the 
mono in its take off and landing phases, has added considerably to the joy of 
flying for me. My previous experience was entirely 'spam can' trikes. When I 
fly one those now they are so sluggish and boring.

 It is like any other love affair, -the little lady should never bore you if 
the relationship is to be successful!

Happy landings ....... Bryan Allsop... G BYSA

PS. The control knobs didn't cost anything either.

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