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Re: Battery Charging

Subject: Re: Battery Charging
From: Jerry Davis <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 08:31:31
I always use an inexpensive automatic charger made by Gunsons. Available in
the UK for around 20 from Argos. I use it on all the Gas RC batteries we
sell as well as my own batteries on cars and aircraft. It delivers a high
charge to bring the battery up to charge and then reduces the charge
automatically until it virtually switches off. Far better than a trickle
charge and hardly any more expensive.


----- Original Message -----
From: John Cliff <>
Subject: RE: Battery Charging

> Forwarded from the bounce bin.  Message is from
> "Cliff Shaw" <>
> ***************************************************
> Martin
> Good you ask about trickle charging. I am now working on a charger for
> Europa, Beep Beep, that will do just that.
> We picked up a 600ma plug in the wall 12 volt charger. I tested it with a
> multimeter and it does charge around 1/2 amp when the battery is down.
> would be OK for a overnight "kick" but too much to leave on for weeks at a
> time. I am installing a 30 ohm resister in series with the charge line to
> the battery to reduce the charge rate to 50 or 60 ma.  I think this is
> better for long term use. The voltage on the battery with the trickle
> be not more than 14.2 volts. I will be happier with 13.8 volts. It voltage
> depends on the battery and the temperature.
> I hope this helps. Use this info with your desecration, it comes from my
> experience, not an engineer degree.
> Have fun
> Cliff Shaw

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