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Re: Aileron Washout

Subject: Re: Aileron Washout
From: Dave DeFord <>
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 08:24:15
> In the XS Tri-Gear manual it gives two figures for the aileron washout 0.9
> degrees (start of the chapter) and 1.1 degrees (end of the chapter)!
> Which figure should I use?

1.1 degrees is the correct figure for the XS.  Added to the 1.4 degrees in
the flaps (also shown variously as 1.0 or 1.4 in my manual), you get the
advertised 2.5 degrees total washout for the wing.

Don't forget to delay installation of the mass balance weights until you can
fit them to the wing.  The profile shown in the book is too tall, and will
hit the wing before full down deflection is achieved.

Dave DeFord, A135

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