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Re: Rudder Cables & Nylon tubing

Subject: Re: Rudder Cables & Nylon tubing
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 00:41:54
>I am fooling around with rubber cable routing at the moment and I had a
>friend come by who had build a Long Ez.  He was telling me that on the Ex
>that the rudder cables are completely encased in tubing.  His suggestion was
>to do that for the cable in the tunnel area, and in the area close to the
>fuel hoses.
>Any comments ?
>Paul (363)

Makes a certain amount of sense to me too. THe Long has the rudder cables 
guided in nylon tubes through the fuselage and then through the wings. 
Works fine except for the last 1/4 inch in the wings were the excess bend 
in the cable tends to wear out the tube after a couple of years.
It has been done in the tunnel of a couple of Europas without problems, the 
tube needs to be held in place by a couple of plies of BID and sharp bends 
avoided. It is a possible way to prevent the cable snagging on the gear 
during retraction.


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