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Re: Goods from the USA

Subject: Re: Goods from the USA
From: John Cliff <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 18:42:51

 I am not sure what currency your figures are working in. In general terms, I
too have found when buying from Aircraft Spruce that the carrier charges are
very high in comparison with the value of the goods for modest orders. It used
to be much better when they ran a full UK office and imported ordered goods in
bulk to it, redistibuting them in the UK - though it did introduce a delay
because the shipments were something like monthly. I bought a rivet squeezer
---From Wicks earlier this year (their website is quite good for ordering from) 
asked them to send it by post. Slower, and still charges of various kinds to pay
to the UK carrier, but cheaper overall.

A possible part-answer is pooled orders, several builders placing a single
order. It would be more trouble than it is worth unless the builders lived close
enough for informal redistribution.

Another answer is to know an airline pilot or someone else who is going to the
area of one of the two AS&S offices and is willing to have a day out buying the
goods over the counter. It has even been known for other charges to be lower,
too ......

At least the catalogue is a mine of information, even if you can't afford to buy
the stuff !

John Cliff

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