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Fuel Tank vs. Aileron Bracket

Subject: Fuel Tank vs. Aileron Bracket
From: Steve Genotte <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 10:22:45

I've tried calling the Europa offices, but it seems everyone's out for
Good Friday, so I turn to you for some interim advice.

We did the first fuel tank bracket layup last night and I was so excited
by our technique (details on the web site soon) that I managed to
overlook the tank's becoming mis-aligned.  Now my right quick-connect
aileron bracket comes in contact with the tank about an inch aft of
where the bracket flange becomes horizontal (upper inboard side of
bracket).  This prevents the bracket from lining up with the upper
inboard bolt hole by 2 or 3 mm.  Oops!

Has anyone had a similar "opportunity to excel"?  If so, did you get any
advice from the factory?  If no, what did you do?

I fully realize I may have to rip the *$%@# thing out due to my own
hubris, but any tips that would save me this joy are most appreciated.

Happy Easter,

Steve G.

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